Oakland Police Department

OPD Vehicle Collisions


The Oakland Police Department tracks all vehicle collisions its members are involved in while driving a City-owned, rented, or leased vehicle.  This includes when officers are off duty and authorized to drive a City-owned vehicle.  All vehicle collisions are reviewed to identify any reoccurring trends which need to be addressed for the safety of the public or members of OPD.  The Department tracks if the vehicle collisions result in injuries or fatalities.  Injuries are distinguished between minor injuries requiring basic first aid care, and those requiring significant care at a medical facility.  Vehicle collisions resulting in fatalities require an additional level of investigation by a team specially trained in fatal vehicle collision investigations.   The Department investigates whether the officer is at fault for the collision, which is determined by traffic investigators and reviewed by the Department chain of command.  The Department also tracks when an officer is involved in a vehicle collision which is the result of or occurs during, a pursuit.  

Prior to March 2021, only injuries requiring care at a medical facility were tracked as a pursuit-related injury.  Starting in March 2021, all injuries ranging from complaint of pain to the most serious injuries are tracked as pursuit-related injuries.

Collision Trends

The chart to the right shows the trend in employee-involved vehicle collisions and the number of collisions that resulted in a fatality or injury.

Primary Collision Factors

The chart below identifies the top reasons for collisions in relation to the party at fault.  A primary collision factor of "unsafe speed" means that whoever is determined to be at fault for the accident (OPD employee or third party) was speeding.