Oakland Police Department



An arrest occurs when an individual is taken into custody by law enforcement.  Probable cause to arrest exists when, under the totality of the circumstances known to the arresting officers, a reasonable person would have concluded that a crime occurred and there was a fair probability that the individual committed a crime.
This dashboard only includes custodial arrests, which is when an individual is arrested and transported to county jail.  Arrests for individuals who are cited and released at the scene are not included.  Cite and release is only approved for adult misdemeanor offenses that meet certain criteria.  

Where did it happen?

The map to the left breaks down arrests based on the police beat where they occur.  In the dashboard, each beat can be selected, and the data will adjust based on the selected beat.  The link below can be used to identify a beat based on an address.

What's the trend?

The graph to the right displays the number of individuals arrested during a given period.  

Comparison Analysis

Within the dashboard, arrest demographics by age, gender, and race are presented. Data is dynamic and selecting a category will focus the data on individuals within that demographic. 
Arrests are categorized into two major groups: felony and misdemeanor. Felony crimes are the more serious of the two and are typically punishable by imprisonment for over one year. Misdemeanor crimes are punishable by no more than one year in county jail. In the Arrest dashboard, the numbers represent the number of individuals arrested. Arrested individuals may be charged with one or multiple offenses. For the breakdown by misdemeanors and felonies, the most serious charge is selected for each arrested individual.
Top 10 Reasons for Arrest identifies the most common charges broken down by race.