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HOME: Oakland Equity Indicators | Education
Theme Score: 29.0
Education has long been an area of well-known disparities in outcomes across racial and ethnic groups, both in Oakland and throughout the country. Yet, education is also perhaps the single most powerful tool to rectify disparities in other Themes, such as Economy. This Theme includes measures that span from traditional measures of student attendance and achievement to measures of teachers, recognizing that teachers play a critical role in a child’s education.
Education ranked fourth compared to the other Themes in the Oakland Equity Indicators framework. The 12 Indicators within the Education Theme examine inequities faced by racial and ethnic minorities across four Topic areas: Enrollment, Achievement, Program Access, and Teachers.
The lowest scoring Topic was Enrollment (22.3), followed by Teachers (28.3). The other two Topics were slightly higher scoring, Achievement (32.0) and Program Access (33.3). It is important to note that in two of the Topics, Teachers and Program Access, there was large variability in scores between Indicators, so the average Topic score does not tell the full story.
Follow the links to explore all topics or download and read the full report.