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Topic Score: 32.0
The Achievement Topic includes three Indicators that measure racial and ethnic disparities in 3rd grade ELA (English Language Arts) proficiency, high school readiness, and A-G completion. The first Indicator measures disparities in 3rd grade ELA proficiency between Latinos and Whites. The second Indicator measures disparities in high school readiness between African Americans and Asians. The third Indicators measures disparities in A-G completion between African Americans and Whites.
Achievement is the second highest scoring Topic in the Education Theme with a Topic score of 32.0. The Indicator scores are somewhat spread out. A-G completion scored highest at 39 and was followed closely by high school readiness at 37. But substantially lower was 3rd grade ELA proficiency at 20. All the Indicators in this Theme have significant room for improvement, but we found the largest disparities arising in the achievement of our youngest age-group (with 3rd grade ELA).
Achievement - 3rd Grade ELA Proficiency
Score: 20
Ratio: 5.18
In Oakland, White students (11.9%) were the least likely to score “Standard Not Met”. Latino students were the most likely at 61.6% with African Americans close to them at 60.9%. Asian students were in the middle with 31.1% scoring “Standard Not Met”. Latino and African American students were both over five times more likely than White students to score “Standard Not Met”.
The SBAC is California's state-mandated test for all students starting in 3rd grade.
Achievement - High School Readiness
Score: 37
Ratio: 2.50
In Oakland, African American students were the least likely to be high school ready by the end of 8th grade with 71% not ready. Latino students were next with 55.4% not ready. White students did somewhat better with 47.9% not ready. Asian students were the least likely to not be high school ready at only 28.4%. African American students were 2.50 times as likely as Asian students to not be high school ready by the end of 8th grade.
Achievement - A-G Completion (Readiness for UC System)
Score: 39
Ratio: 2.25
In Oakland, African American students (68.3%) were the most likely to fail to meet A-G requirements, followed by Latino students at 59.3%. Asian students did better with only 36.7% failing to meet A-G requirements. White students were the least likely to fail to meet A-G requirements at only 30.3% doing so. African American students were 2.25 times more likely to fail to meet A-G requirements than White students.