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Topic Score: 22.3

The Enrollment Topic includes three Indicators that measure racial and ethnic disparities in preschool enrollment, chronic absenteeism, and high school on-time completion. The first Indicator measures disparities in preschool enrollment between Latinos and Whites. The second Indicator measures disparities in chronic absenteeism between African Americans and Asians. The third Indicators measures disparities in how many high school students are still enrolled after four years between Latinos and Whites.
Photo of students raising hands in an elementary school classroom.
Enrollment is the lowest scoring Topic in the Education Theme with a Topic score of 22.3. The Indicator scores were very similar with chronic absenteeism scoring highest at 25, followed closely by preschool enrollment at 22, and last was high school on-time completion at 20. All the Indicators in this Theme have substantial room for improvement.

Enrollment - Preschool Enrollment

Score: 22
Ratio: 4.72
Latino children were the least likely to have attended preschool with 23.6% not attending preschool of any kind. Asian children were next at 14.9%, followed by African American children at 10.0% not attending preschool. White children in OUSD Kindergartens were the most likely to have attended preschool with only 5% not attending any form. Latino children were 4.72 times more likely and Asian children almost 3 times more likely to have not attended preschool than White children.

Enrollment - Chronic Absenteeism

Score: 25
Ratio: 4.30
Asian students had the lowest chronic absenteeism rates at only 5.2% of students chronically absent. White students were doing almost as well at only 5.6%. African American students had the highest chronic absenteeism rates at 22.2%. Latino students were second highest at 12.6%. African American students were 4.3 times more likely and Latino students 2.4 times more likely than Asian students to be chronically absent from school.

Enrollment - High School On-Time Completion

Score: 20
Ratio: 5.14
White students were the most likely (77.0%) and Latino students the least likely (60.9%) to graduate/complete within four years. Of those who failed to graduate/complete in four years, the largest disparities arose not with dropouts but with those still enrolled. White students were the least likely to still be enrolled (only 3.1%). Latino students were the most likely (at 15.7%) and African American students the second most likely (at 12.8%) to still be enrolled after 4 years. Asian students followed just behind at 11.2% still enrolled. Latino students were therefore 5.14 times more likely than White students to still be enrolled after four years of high school. All non-White students were taking longer to graduate or potentially dropping out after four years (the data did not tell us what happens to them after four years).

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