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Bikeways are corridors designated for bicycle travel. This layer includes Oakland’s Proposed Bikeway Network, streets proposed for bicycle improvements in Oakland's Bicycle Plan, as well as existing bikeways.
Bikeways are defined by "class," each with specific characteristics (see Definition). The fields “Proposed Class” and “ExistingClass” show the proposed and current state of the network, based on these class definitions. For some existing bikeways, the proposed bikeway class is not the same as the existing class.
Designations reflect existing and proposed bikeways as of December 31, 2022. This dataset was last updated February 7, 2023. Data is typically updated twice per year, in January and July.
Class type (0, 0.0, 1, 1X, 2, 2.0, 2.3, 2.3A, 2.3B, 2B, 2B.0, 2B.2, 2B.3, 2B.3A, 3, 3.0, 3A, 3A.0, 3A.3, 3B, or 4, 4.2, 4.2B, and 4.3A) appears in the ProposedClass (ProposedCl) and ExistingClass (ExistingCl) fields.
If the Class doesn't include a decimal point, the bikeway is existing (or proposed) on both sides of a two-way street or on one side of a one-way street. A decimal point indicates that there is a different class on each side of a two-way street.
Class 1 = bike paths, paved rights-of-way that are completely separated from the street, and typically shared with pedestrians. (Class 1X denotes a path that is thought to be substandard, like the Posey Tube, due to width or other factors.)
Class 2 & variants = bike lanes, lanes striped on streets and designated specifically for bicyclists.
• Class 2 = bike lanes
• Class 2.0 = bike lanes one side of the street, no facility one side of street
• Class 2.3 = bike lanes one side of street, signage only bike route one side of street
• Class 2.3A = bike lanes one side of street, sharrows one side of collector or arterial street
• Class 2.3B = bike lanes one side of street, sharrows one side of local street
• Class 2B = buffered bike lanes
• Class 2B.0 = buffered bike lanes one side of street, no facility one side of street
• Class 2B.2 = buffered bike lanes one side of street, bike lanes one side of street
• Class 2B.3A = buffered bike lanes one side of the street, sharrows one side of street
Class 3 = bike routes, streets on which bicyclists share travel lanes with drivers and are designated by wayfinding signage only. Routes with sharrows are designated as Class 3A. (One-way facilities on two-way streets are designated as 3.0 or 3A.0, respectively.)
• Class 3B = neighborhood bike routes (AKA bike boulevards), bikeways on residential streets that prioritize through trips for bicyclists. Oakland’s Class 3B facilities are designated with pavement markings, traffic calming measures, and may have wayfinding signage.
Class 4 = parking protected bikeways, striped on streets, separated from moving traffic by striped buffers and/or vertical elements (delineators, planters, curb). Variants include 4.2B and 4.2 for separated bike lanes on one side and buffered or plain bike lanes on the other side.
Class 0 = no bikeway is proposed or existing, as applicable. (There are three sign-only segments that are currently existing, but not proposed.)
Class 0.0 = no bikeway is existing but the street is ridable in it's current condition.