REQUESTID = The service request number. This should be shown as an integer without decimals. 5-digit
REQUESTIDs were imported from the Recycling Hotline’s prior tracking system when they switched to the same system as the rest of Public Works in August 2012. All others are 6 digits.
DATETIMEINIT = The Date/Time that the request was initiated.
DESCRIPTION = Type of issue. Most of these are self-explanatory. Notes:
“test template” and “This is a test subject. Ignore this ticket.” were for testing/training purposes only.
Descriptions starting with “Business” “City Services” “CityBldg” (no space) “Events” “Misc” are/were used by the Recycling Hotline
“TE” means “Traffic Engineering”
REQCATEGORY = Request Category
REQADDRESS = Request Address
An address of ZZ indicates that the address was not recorded, usually this is for general inquiries to the Recycling Hotline.
STATUS = The status as of 1/30/13.
Pending: Request received for review
OPEN: Request assigned to work unit
WOCREATE: Work Order created for work to be done (not all work units use this status, so Open service requests may also have work orders created for work to be done)
CLOSED: Request is resolved
REFERRED: Public Works received the request and forwarded it to another entity (see REFERREDTO)
UNFUNDED: Request is for an service that Public Works is not funded to provide
CANCEL: Request was canceled, generally because it was created erroneously, it was used for testing/training, or it is a request that was received that duplicated an existing unresolved request
DATETIMECLOSED = The Date/Time that the request was closed
SRX, SRY= Coordinates of the issue. Note that this is in NAD_1983_StatePlane_California_III_FIPS_0403_Feet, not latitude/longitude.
REFERREDTO = If the status is Referred, this shows who it was referred to.